At this time PIXIE does not provide an interface to Home Assistant.
Its true that we have seen the demand from Home Assistant users grow significantly over the last 8 years we have been creating the PIXIE platform.
Part of our philosophy is: Install, Scan, Control – whilst we have been adding new native PIXIE products and 3rd party integrations regularly, without the need for any knowledge of programming to get a smart home humming.
As part of that we have also implemented in the PIXIE PLUS App
- – PROGRAMode ( for conditional, sequential logic),
- – Scene DELAYs for more complex scene scenarios which can be combined with PROGRAMode;
- – and MASTERlink for mesh control from master devices to other master device which have no electrical connection, which can also be combined with PROGRAMode.
Our current projects are focused on HVAC integration – according to our philosophy of Install, Scan, Control – to make integrating HVAC simple, and once in our platform, PROGRAMode, Scene delays and MASTERlink can all be used across HVAC too for sophisticated, deeply integrated smart home solutions.
There’s a few new products coming as well to compliment HVAC and add to that, upgrading older products in the range which are becoming end of life after 8 years in market, our hands are very full.
In all of that we’ve not had the time to create an open API – an HA specific driver is unlikely, and the development of an open API, which could be scheduled after all current works and new drivers being developed for top end control system are completed too.
As PIXIE is a platform and not a protocol, our approach is guided by this fundamentally important difference.
Meaning, where possible, using the native PIXIE apps and devices, users are achieving what most people want, most of the time – simply and easily without any need for programming knowledge or users to continually tweak and attend to the system.
That is our goal to create the stable, robust solution PIXIE is today and why it leads the market in Australia in mid-market smart home systems.
There is no other competitive system in Australia in this mid-market smart home space that has the same exact flexibility, capability and integration capabilities, with the same product quality, support and continual new development and progress… at least that’s our opinion of the market.
HA will no doubt continue to appeal to a certain sector of the market due to its open approach and user support. Its an area we continue to watch closely.