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What's happening with Pixie and smarthome automation technology, opinions, ideas, hacks, hints and tips to help you deliver better outcomes.
2021 Australian Smart Home Checklist
Smart home technology is creating a lot of confusion for home owners at the moment. There's too many choices and not enough thought about what outcome a home owner is hoping to achieve. And that's because a smart home is no longer a technology of the future. They are...
The new PIXIE Smart Dimmer Now Has Fade Rates, and They’re Awesome!
The G3 PIXIE Smart Dimmer SDD300BTAM not only looks a lot different to the G2 PIXIE dimmers, its functionality has been updated too. Its striking new slimline appearance is a game changer for the flexibility in creating multi-gang dimming wall plate up to 6 gangs, but...
Top 3 Tips to Choose a Home Automation System in Australia
It's 2024 and there have never been so many choices for home automation systems in Australia. But not all home automation systems are equal on performance, price or support - the 3 key decision makers for home owners considering installation of a home automation...
How to Fix LED Lights Flickering In Australia with SFI from SAL
LED downlights are a modern upgrade to homes and when combined with a smart home system like PIXIE, really enhance your lifestyle and home. That is until they start to flicker. RippleShield SAL National fixes this flickering issue.RippleShield fixes this flicker issue...
PIXIE Plus finds room for Rooms
The PIXIE Plus App provides a fast and simple mobile interface for controlling PIXIE smart homes, and with the introduction of ROOMS, PIXIE Plus just got a whole lot better for larger homes too. As PIXIE is deployed into larger and larger homes, often the devices list...
A wiser smart home solution for Australian homes with PIXIE
PIXIE is a wiser smart home solution choice for Australian home owners seeking cost effective, sophisticated & reliable smart home solution for 2022. But what makes PIXIE a wiser smart home solution compared to the other choices in Australia? Answering this...
How Much Does it Cost to Make Your Home a Smart Home?
Asking how much does it cost to make your home a smart home in Australia in 2021 seems like an easy question to ask and get answered. Anywhere from a few hundred dollars up to hundreds-of-thousands of dollars is the answer - depending on what you want to achieve. This...
PIXIE’s Smart Socket Power Point Making Homes Smarter
The PIXIE Smart Socket Outlet is a Bluetooth enabled, twin GPO (or double powerpoint) that works with both the PIXIE and PIXIE PLUS Apps. Each of the socket outlets can accept any electrical appliance like irons, hair straighteners, pedestal fans vaporisers and...
5 SAL PIXIE PLUS App features to Control Your Smarthome Like a Pro
The PIXIE PLUS App provides homeowners a more sophisticated smart home interface when comparing the simpler PIXIE App. The PIXIE PLUS app has so many features in fact that its easy for users to overlook some of the more useful functions provided, that really add those...
Top 4 Rooms to Renovate in Your Home with Smarthome Technology
Times have changed and its now possible to start with just a few key rooms and expand when you have more funds or you want to add further enhancements to your home and lifestyle.
How to Fix LED Lights Flickering in Australia
Fixing LED downlights flickering in Australia is explained with simple step by step process, depending on where in Australia you live and if you have an LED dimmer.
3 Smarthome Essentials for Australian Property Developers
Smarthome technology is becoming an essential inclusion for Australian property developers, whether as an option or inclusive in the basic offering to attract customers and provide value for money beyond the 4 walls and luxury inclusions in kitchens and bathrooms.
5 Reasons Smarthome Timers are a Must Have
Smarthome timers are a must have addition to any home automation installation or upgrade. Timers and schedulers are one of the most versatile components to introduce automatic actions throughout your smarthome that both save energy and enhance your lifestyle. And...
Does Home Automation Increase the Value of Your Home?
Does home automation increase the value of your home is one of the most often asked questions for smarthome integrators. And when googling this term, no doubt you will find a lot of articles from people selling smarthome products, trying to convince homeowners the...
The Perfect Smarthome System for Property Developers in Australia
Finding the perfect smarthome system for property developers in Australia is a challenging task today with many choices on the market. As with most technology, not all smarthome systems are created equal either, and some are not really even that smart. Maybe that’s ok...
Setting Up Sunrise Sunset Schedules with SIRI and SAL PIXIE PLUS
The SAL PIXIE PLUS App when combined with the SAL PIXIE Gateway opens a world of additional automation possibilities for smart homes. As the SAL PIXIE PLUS App is also SIRI enabled, this provides users access to the SIRI shortcuts. In this example I'm going to show...
Is Your Smarthome Spying on You?
Do you think your smarthome technology is spying on you? I recently visited a big box retailer to buy batteries and noticed an area of entry-level, products being marketed as smarthome products. On each product was a little card instructing customers to “Ask Echo to...
Is This The Most Underrated Smarthome Device of 2020
This item has been hiding in plain site in the SAL PIXIE smarthome ecosystem for some time. It doesn’t need an internet connection to leverage its power across a whole smarthome and you don’t need to be a smarthome expert to use it or set it up.
Widgets are The Next Evolution of Smarthome Apps
Why are widgets the next evolution of smarthome apps? Simple. Time. It’s the one thing we can never get back once we’ve spent it and it today’s ever faster world, controlling your smarthome has to be more convenient not less. This means saving even more time and...
8 Ways Smartplugs Enhance Your Lifestyle
Smartplugs like the SAL PIXIE smart plug help to make dumb things smart. Here's 8 ways smartplugs enhance your lifestyle, every day. Simply by plugging in appliances, electronics, lamps and just about anything else that can be turned on and off, you can transform...