by Simon J Richardson | Jun 21, 2020 | buyers guide, for consumers, for electricians, for systems integrators, smart home, smarthome
Times have changed and its now possible to start with just a few key rooms and expand when you have more funds or you want to add further enhancements to your home and lifestyle.
by Simon J Richardson | Jun 13, 2020 | buyers guide, for consumers, for electricians
Fixing LED downlights flickering in Australia is explained with simple step by step process, depending on where in Australia you live and if you have an LED dimmer.
by Simon J Richardson | May 28, 2020 | buyers guide, for consumers, for electricians, for systems integrators
Smarthome timers are a must have addition to any home automation installation or upgrade. Timers and schedulers are one of the most versatile components to introduce automatic actions throughout your smarthome that both save energy and enhance your lifestyle. And...
by Simon J Richardson | May 17, 2020 | buyers guide, for consumers, smart home, smarthome
Does home automation increase the value of your home is one of the most often asked questions for smarthome integrators. And when googling this term, no doubt you will find a lot of articles from people selling smarthome products, trying to convince homeowners the...
by Simon J Richardson | Mar 25, 2020 | buyers guide, for consumers, for electricians, for systems integrators, smart home, smart home integrators, smarthome
Do you think your smarthome technology is spying on you? I recently visited a big box retailer to buy batteries and noticed an area of entry-level, products being marketed as smarthome products. On each product was a little card instructing customers to “Ask Echo to...
by Simon J Richardson | Feb 1, 2020 | buyers guide, for consumers, for electricians, for systems integrators, smart home, smarthome
This item has been hiding in plain site in the SAL PIXIE smarthome ecosystem for some time. It doesn’t need an internet connection to leverage its power across a whole smarthome and you don’t need to be a smarthome expert to use it or set it up.