2021 Australian Smart Home Checklist

Written By Simon J Richardson

On September 29, 2021
Simon has been involved in smart homes for over 20 years in Australia, China, Singapore, Korea, Japan and Hong Kong and currently works with SAL National and SAL Commercial to develop, adapt and adopt new IoT solutions for the Australian Commercial and Residential markets.

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​Smart home technology is creating a lot of confusion for home owners at the moment.

There's too many choices and not enough thought about what outcome a home owner is hoping to achieve.

And that's because a smart home is no longer a technology of the future.

They are here today and home automation technology has transformed from cutting-edge to mainstream in a matter of a few years for a fraction of the price.

This technological advance means with about a 1/2 dozen products we can deliver sophisticated smart home systems to a majority of residential projects today, with something like Australian designed PIXIE smart home solution.


This 2021 Australian Smart Home checklist is designed to guide home owners through understanding how they want to benefit from installing smart home technology in their homes.


The smart home checklist focuses on Smart Home Moments, and asks home owners to prioritise what is most important to them from the 5 core reasons people invest in home automation.

It then guides consumers to a more personalised checklist and delivers a deeper understanding of how smart home technology can really enhance their lifestyle.

These 5 core smart home investment reasons - comfort, convenience, safety, security and savings provide a framework to better understand these every day Smart Home Moments and what is needed to get started in their home.

Smart Home Checklist - Smart Home Moments - Download your Smart Home Checklist
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