Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions are to be read in conjunction with the terms and conditions on the SAL National website, which can be found here.

If any conditions herein, conflict with any statements, terms or conditions detailed on the SAL National Pty Ltd Terms and Conditions web page, then the SAL National Pty Ltd Terms and conditions will take precedence.

  1. Joining the Pixie Partners program (The Program)means that the member/participant warrants that he or she meets the entry requirements and accepts these terms and conditions.
  2. Joining the Pixie Partner program does not constitute a legal partnership of any kind and neither party has any liability to each other in respects to The Program under NSW (New South Wales, Australia) law.
  3. Members are responsible for any and all expenses that they incur in participating in The Program.
  4. Only purchases of eligible Pixie products supplied by SAL National Pty Ltd directly to the seller listed on the tax Invoice submitted by the member as part of a claim, within the eligible claim period, can be used to accrue Pixie Points.
  5. The eligible claim period is 12 months from the date listed on the tax invoice submitted with a claim.
  6. Eligible products means those products listed on this website and at any time in the 12 months, prior to the date on the original tax invoice on a submitted claim.
  7. SAL National Pty Ltd reserve the right to disqualify any members where SAL National Pty Ltd reasonably suspect any unlawful or improper conduct, such as infringing a third party’s intellectual property rights, or if there has otherwise been a breach of The Program's terms and conditions.
  8. Upon disqualification, SAL National will notify the member, and delete the members Pixie Partner's account and all personal information immediately.
  9. In this occurrence, SAL National has no liability to the member to compensate for Pixie Points that were accrued at the time of disqualification, and the member has no claim on SAL National for compensation.
  10. Any and all decisions as to the veracity of the documents submitted as part of a Pixie Points claim are held with SAL National Pty Ltd and all decisions are final.
  11. Pixie Points are not transferrable for cash or any other goods or services outside of eligible Pixie Products and only whilst the Pixie Partner and Pixie Points programs are in operation.
  12. SAL National reserves the right to update, modify and edit the points available for each product at any time without notice.
  13. SAL National reserves the right to update, modify and edit the eligible products at any time and will honour purchases for eligible products within 12 months form the tax invoice date submitted with a claim if all other conditions are met.
  14. Only 1 claim can be made per tax invoice.



  1. Joining the PIXIE Certified Installer Course  (The Course) means that the member/participant warrants that he or she meets the entry requirements and accepts these terms and conditions.
  2. Joining The Course does not constitute a legal partnership of any kind and neither party has any liability to each other in respects to The Course under NSW (New South Wales, Australia) law.
  3. It is incumbent on members to stay current and up to date with any changes to The Course materials and SAL National Pty Ltd hereby notify all members that from time to time information may change and update from the published course material without notification to the member.
  4. Members are responsible for any and all expenses that they incur in participating in The Course.
  5. SAL National Pty Ltd reserve the right to disqualify any members where SAL National Pty Ltd reasonably suspect any unlawful or improper conduct, such as infringing a third party’s intellectual property rights, or if there has otherwise been a breach of The Courses's terms and conditions.
  6. Members indemnify SAL National Pty Ltd and its employees and representatives for any and all liability and/or consequences from participation in the course.
  7. The starter kit is only provided once The Course has been completed.
  8. Only 1 starter kit per member will be provided.
  9. Members are only permitted to create 1 (one) account for The Course.


See also information about PROOF OF PURCHASE requirements.